宝晋斋藏南唐研山在宋元的流传 ——兼及研山图

作者: 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:本文对宝晋斋藏南唐研山在宋元的流传经过进行考证,结论与翁方纲等所说不同。本文以为,蔡絛所记的米芾与苏氏易甘露寺下宅基的研山在北宋亡后便无传。南宋至元流传的是后归天台戴氏的研山。此研山又有图画本流传,天台陶宗仪记在《南村辍耕录》里的宝晋斋研山图即其传本之一。


Title:The Ownership Transfer of the Baojin Zhai Yanshan during the Song to Yuan Period

Author:Wang Han, Lecturer, Yangzhou Polytechnic College, Yangzhou, 225009, China.

Abstract:This study traces the ownership transfer process of the Baojin Zhai(宝晋斋) Yanshan(研山,mountain shaped ink stone). It was in possession of Southern Tang Emperor Li Yu(李煜). Then after owning by well-known painter Mi Fu(米芾), it appeared in the trade of Mi Fu with Su family for a estate. Since the ending of the North Song Dynasty, there has been no credible record about the existence of this original ink stone found. Accordingly, the so-called Baojin Zhai Yanshan circulated and described during the Southern Song and Yuan Dynasty is actually another piece in the collection of Dai family in Tian Tai area. Such a conclusion is different from that made by Weng Fanggang(翁方纲) of the Qing Dynasty.

Key words:Baojin Zhai; Yanshan; Inscription on Yanshan; Mi Fu

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