
作者: 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:古人相信花草树木与人一样具有灵魂。我国现存典籍中保存有大量关于树木精怪的内容,展现出一个完整的树木精怪的变化历程。上古神话传说中有树神句芒,魏晋南北朝时期出现许多动物化树木精怪,唐以后人格化的树木精怪成为主体。树木精怪具有动物形貌是一种世界性的文化现象。不过,中国文化中的男性树精多是“文人士子”形象,树木精怪的危害性不强,这些都是中国文化中树木精怪的特色。


Title: An Analysis of the Evolution of Tree Spirit in Chinese Culture

Author:Zhang Liming, Associate Professor, Department of Chinese Literature, Tianjin University, Tianjin, 300071, China.

Abstract:Ancient Chinese people believe that plants and trees have souls. There are many ancient materials dealing with tree spirits presenting a complete developing chain of the tree spirits in account. Goumang(句芒) is the earliest tree deity in Chinese mythology. In Wei and Jin period, people consider the tree spirit as something with animal nature. Since the Tang dynasty, most tree spirit were described as human being. Taken the world-wide imagination of tree spirits with animal nature, the Chinese tree spirits are commonly imagined as young men of literacy without harm.

Key words:tree spirits; Goumang; animalization; personification

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