和约还是敕令 ——对色诺芬《希腊史》中所谓“大王和约”实质与译名的几点思考

作者: 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:从古希腊人对邦际关系的理解看,所谓“大王和约”不是一则和平条约。首先,该条约不是在对等条件下订立的,而是在波斯击败希腊诸邦后制定的,希腊诸邦并无任何发言权;其次,订立条约的目的并不是为了避免战争,争取和平,而是以实现波斯夺取领地、征收赋税的利益为目的;最后,条约订立后,并未实现和平,反而使希腊世界更加混乱无秩。人们将其译为“大王和约”一方面是受到色诺芬泛希腊主义历史观念影响,另一方面源于近现代古典学者将古典希腊理想化的结果。

关键词:“大王和约” 敕令 泛希腊主义

Title: A Peace Treaty or An Edict? Some Reflections on the Nature and Chinese Translation of the so-called “King’s Peace” in Xenophon’sHellenika

Author:Chen Siwei, Doctoral Candidate, School of History, Capital Normal University, Beijing, 100048, China; Xu Songyan, Professor, School of History and Culture, Southwestern University, Chongqing, 400715, China.

Abstract:According to the ancient Greek view on the relationship between states, the so-called “King’s Peace” isn’t a peace treaty in the strict sense. First of all, this document wasn’t made in a fair circumstance but in the situation that Persians had gotten the predominance in the relationship with the Greek states and left the latter no chance for bargaining. Secondly, the object of this treaty wasn’t to make peace, but to achieve Persians’ purpose of controlling Asia Minor and levying taxes. Finally, after the making of this document, peace never came and the Greek world became more chaotic. It is under the influence of Xenophon’s Pan-Hellenic concept and by reason of some scholars’ idealization of classical Greek history, this document was called “King’s Peace”.

Key words: “King’s Peace” edict Panhellenism

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