
作者: 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:梅藤自传体铭文译注是对古代埃及梅藤自传体铭文进行的释读、翻译,并对译文中出现的官职、地名以及古代埃及社会经济状况进行的必要解释。该文献刻写在梅藤位于萨卡拉的墓室墙壁上,是迄今所知年代最为久远的古代埃及自传体铭文。该铭文反应了古代埃及早期社会政治经济状况,故此,它是研究古代埃及早期行政管理体系和社会经济形态的首选文献资料。

关键词:古代埃及 梅藤自传体铭文 译注

Title:The Autobiographical Inscription of Methen: A Chinese Translation and Commentary

Author:Wang Liang, Doctoral Candidate, Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin,130024, China; Guo Dantong, Professor, Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin, 130024, China.

Abstract:This is a newer Chinese translation of The Autobiographical Inscription of Methenwith historical and philological notes. The notes are especially concerned about the titles of Methen, the official titles, places, and the social-economic situation of ancient Egypt. The original inscription was carved on the interior wall of the Methen’s tomb in Saqqara which is so far the oldest known inscription of its kind. For its rich information about the social-economic situation of early Egypt, this document has been treated as one of the most important primary materials in the study of ancient Egyptian history.

Key words: Ancient Egypt autobiographical inscription of Methen Chinese translation and commentary

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