
作者: 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:“母弟”在先秦文献中一般指的是国君或宗子的同母弟。母弟与宗子并为嫡子,其地位高于众庶子,此特殊身份使得其既能在邦国政事中发挥积极作用,又可能与宗子对抗,破坏宗族邦国的稳定,与大宗宗子之间形成利益的制衡关系;在周代继承制中,母弟可以凭借其嫡子的身份,在无承宗人的情况下优先成为宗子,体现了宗法继承制的灵活性;周王母弟是周初封建过程中的中坚力量,对维护王室利益起到很大作用,并影响了周代以后政局的发展;宗子与母弟关系的发展体现了周代宗法观念的变迁。

关键词:周代 宗法制 母弟 亲属称谓 宗子

Title: On the Status and Role of Mu-di in the Patriarchal System of the Zhou Dynasty

Author:Gao Jingcong, Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute of Ancient Documents and Books, Jilin University, Changchun, Jilin, 130012, China.

Abstract:Mu-di(母弟) in the documents of the Zhou Dynasty particularly refers to the same mother brothers of the princes or the eldest legitimate son of the princes. Mu-di was considered legitimate sons of the monarch and enjoyed higher status than the other sons of the monarch. Based upon such a status, they were able to play active roles in political affairs including checking the influence of the crown princes or becoming monarch successors. Changes on the position of Mu-di during the Zhou dynasty is an important aspect in the study of the Zhou royal Clan and patriarchal system.

Key words:Zhou Dynasty patriarchal system Mu-di crown princes

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