提 要:明代盐政中的势要占窝存在职权占窝和敕许占窝两种类型。洪武开中法在食盐运销环节引入了市场机制,使得食盐运销权市场化并且证券化。食盐运销权市场具有单边充分市场的特点,而作为食盐运销权凭证的盐粮勘合起初不得买卖。宣德后,明政府为了保证开中法财政目标的实现,突破《大明律》禁止权贵中盐的规定,虽然在正统年间再行禁止,但相关官员利用职权谋取垄断开中的行为,亦即职权占窝,却日益泛滥。成化以后到正德年间,势要占窝的另一种形式,敕许占窝,兴盛起来。势要占窝使得食盐运销权市场变得复杂起来。一方面,初级市场的买方单方充分市场走向垄断化;另一方面,盐粮勘合交易的二级市场形成。但由于作为市场主体的各资本的权力构成高低不同,两方面的发展呈现悖离现象。势要占窝,尤其是敕许占窝,不仅垄断了一级市场,妨碍了二级市场的顺利运作,也侵夺了国家的财政收入。
关键词:明朝 盐法 势要占窝 权力 资本 资本的权力构成
Title: Market, Power, and Capital: The Powerful People’s Monopoly of the Salt Business during the Mid-Ming Dynasty
Author:Luo Dongyang, Professor, School of History and Culture, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin, 130024, China.
Abstract:The market mechanism had been introduced in the salt marketing policies of the Hongwu period. By Xuande period, to achieve fiscal goals, the Ming government, breaking previous prohibits, allowed officials to participate the trading of salt. Even after the re-announcement of these prohibits in Zhengtong period, governmental officials’ monopoly of salt trade became more common in the years to come. During Chenghua to Zhengde periods, monopolizing salt trade based upon the Emperor’s License became an even more significant phenomenon. Powerful people’s monopoly of salt trade, especially the monopoly relaying the power of the Emperors, not only obstructed the function of the market, but also harmed the governmental revenue.
Key words:Ming Dynasty trade of salt powerful people Monopoly power elements in capital