提 要:本文以实证的方法对明代洪武时期内库财政制度进行研究,指出:洪武初期,内承运、外承运及甲字等库位于内府,且都由内官进行管理;洪武中期以后,以内承运库为核心、主供御用的各子库仍由宦官负责,外承运及甲字等其他内府各库则改由文官管理;内库收入来源中既包含供给御用的专项收入,也有来自户部、礼部、工部、刑部、都察院及兵部等其他中央公共部门的收入;内库除负责皇室开支外,也有赏赐、官俸、赈济、军饷等国家公共财政开支。终洪武一朝,内库一直集皇室财政与国家公共财政职责为一体。
关键词:洪武 内库 皇室财政 国家公共财政 纸钞
Title: A Study of the Inner Palace Storehouse of the Hongwu Period of the Ming Dynasty
Author:Su Xinhong, Associate Professor, Guizhou University of Finance and Economics, Guiyang, Guizhou, 550004, China.
Abstract:Based upon textual research, this article deals with the Inner Palace Storehouse system of the Hongwu period of the Ming Dynasty. It concludes that in this period, the Inner Palace Storehouses had both imperial and public financial functions. Further, it argues that the public financial functions of the inner palace storehouse demands more attention of academic studies.
Key words: Hongwu period Inner Palace Storehouse finance paper currency