
作者: 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:元明诗文的走向,以政统的重建为起点,但由于明初政局与士人期待有着较大的差距,使得他们对宋元充满了怀念,从而形成了对文化家国的想象,逐渐偏离政统而归入文统,将盛唐作为历史的标尺,成为明诗论复古基调的思想动因。

关键词:文化家国 元明诗文 复古基调

Title: On the Sense of Cultural State of the Literati in the Yuan to Ming Transitional Period and the Trend of Yuan and Ming Literature

Author:Cao Shenggao, Professor, School of Chinese language and literature, Northeast Normal University, Jilin, Changchun, 130024, China.

Abstract:The change of literary trend from the Yuan to Ming periods was closely connected to the political reconstruction of that era. Because of the large gap between the expectation of the early Ming literati and the political reality, the Ming literati kept thinking about the Song and Yuan times and formed up a kind of imagination of cultural state. This tendency gradually changed their way of self-identification and started to take the high Tang period as the ideal period. This change is a key factor in understanding the literary conservatism of the Ming dynasty.

Key words: Cultural State Yuan and Ming Dynasties literature Conservatism

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