提 要:以往学者在辨别帛书《五行》篇“说”文的成书年代及作者问题时,往往把所谓的“仁义并举”、“大体小体说”等等都看成是孟子的专利,这是不尽恰当的。本文在前人研究成果的基础上,在“大体小体说”、“性善论”、“德气说”、“尊贤的观念”等几个方面对帛书《五行》篇“说”文与《孟子》的关系重新进行疏理,认为帛书《五行》篇“说”文的成书是早于《孟子》的。荀子所说的“子思唱之,孟轲和之”,是因为孟子对简帛《五行》篇的思想内容有所传承和借鉴。
关键词:五行 仁义 孟子
Title: On the Connection of the Commentary Notes of the Five Elements in the Silk Manuscripts Unearthed from Mawangdui Han Tomb withMencius
Author:Sun Xiguo, Lecturer, Eastern Liaoning College, Dandong, Liaoning, 118001; Doctoral Candidate, Institute for Ancient Documents, Jilin University, Changchun, Jilin, 130012, China.
Abstract:Based upon the previous studies, this paper examines the connection between the commentary texts of theFive Elementsunearthed from Mawangdui Han tomb with the book ofMencius. It argues that these commentary texts were produced earlier than the text of Mencius. Xunzi’s saying of that “Zisi Sings and Mencius Joins” also indicates that Mencius inherited some ideas from those commentary notes.
Key words: Five Elements commentary notes Mencius