
作者: 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:本文在前人研究基础上,重新考证《山海经·西山经》部分内容的地理位置,还进一步解释了《山经》作者的信息来源以及《山经》作者选择这些地理实体记载的原因。《西次二经》分为东西不相连两段,这两段和《西次四经》、《西山经》首篇刚好连为一个围绕关中平原的山环,正好是秦国的边疆天险。依据《西次三经》能详细、准确地描写出一直到帕米尔高原的西域地理,因为秦人很早就征服了西北诸民族,所以熟悉西域地理。

关键词:《山海经》 《西山经》 秦国

Title: A New Geographical Interpretation of the “Xishan Section” inShanghai Jing

Author:Zhou Yunzhong, Assistant Professor, History Department, Xiamen University, Xiamen, Fujian, 361005, China.

Abstract:This article deals with the geographical locations of certain places mentioned in the “Xishan Section(西山经)” ofShanhai Jing(山海经). In addition to providing corrections to related previous publications, this article further explains the information resources of this section and discusses the author’s considerations in material selection. It is pointed out that the region that covered by “Xishan Section” matches the western frontier of the State Qin of the Warring states period.

Key words: Shanhai Jing Xishan Section of Shanhai Jing State Qin

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