作者:孔 颖 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:
提 要:明季澳门的“倭奴”中虽夹杂亦商亦盗的倭寇,但更多的是因日本政府镇压天主教而逃难至澳门的日本基督徒,另外还有葡人从日本九州购买的为数众多的真正奴隶。本文聚焦明季澳门的“奴仆”意义上的“倭奴”,通过中、日、西三方史料,对其进行梳理、描述和辨析,并由此说明,明朝广东政府对澳门“倭奴”性质的判断和采取的政策具有一定的合理性。
关键词:明季 葡萄牙 澳门 倭奴 芒迪
Title: An Analysis of the Identity ofWonuin Macao in the Late Ming Period
Author:Kong Ying, Associate Professor, School of Japanese Language and Literature, Zhejiang University of Industry and Commerce, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, 310018, China.
Abstract:The termWonu(倭奴,literally Japanese slaves) in the late Ming Macao turned to be complicated. In addition to a few trader-pirates from Japan, thewonuin late Ming Macao were largely Christian exiles from Japan and some real slaves bought by the Portuguese merchants at Japanese ports. By an investigation of the materials in Chinese, Japanese and Western languages, this paper tries to describe and analyses the status and situation of the real slaves from Japan in the late Ming Macao. It argues further that the Ming governmental policies to those Japanese slaves were based upon reasonably sound judgment.
Key words:Late Ming Macao Japanese slaves Portuguese