作者:曲柄睿 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:
提 要:杨鸿年、廖伯源通过对汉代宫省制度的研究,认为汉代宫省中存有一个三层宿卫体系,这一结论是我们理解汉代宫省宿卫制度的基础。由于宫省制度概念的模糊及考古材料的缺乏,二人的研究有相当的不确定性存在。结合汉长安城未央宫的发掘情况与文献记载,可以发现汉代宫省中实际存在一个四重宿卫体系,其中省中与禁中不同,而禁中是皇帝起居之处,是四层宿卫体系中最核心所在。
关键词:宿卫 宫省 禁中 省中 考古
Title: The Four Level Safeguarding System of the Han Palace
Author:Qu Bingrui, Doctoral Candidate, Department of History, Peking University, Beijing, 100871, China.
Abstract:Some researchers argued that the Han Palace was guarded by a three-level Security system. Based upon archaeological and historical evident, this paper points out that there was actually a four-level security system guarding the Han Palace.
Key words:Safeguarding system Han dynasty Archaeology