作者:季爱民 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:
提 要:借助于儒家忠孝伦理,慧净、成玄英等长安名僧高道的宗教宣传深入人心,并影响初唐时期国家的宗教实践。贞观前期开始,皇室修建寺观之命名出现儒家化的趋势,这些名称包含着祖先崇拜、确立新的政治秩序等内涵。
关键词:宗教宣传 儒家伦理 长安 寺观命名
Title: Religious Propaganda and Confucianization in the Naming of the Royal Monasteries in Chang-an during the Early Tang Era
Author:Ji Aimin, Lecturer, School of History and Culture, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin, 130024, China.
Abstract:By making use of Confucian ethics, Buddhists and Taoists such as Huijing(慧净) and Cheng Xuanying(成玄英) carried out successful religious propaganda in Chang-an area which effected the religious practices of the early Tang government. Started from the early Zhenguan(贞观) period, the naming of the state-owned monasteries began to use Confucian vocabulary including terms referring to ancestor worship political order.
Key words:religious propaganda Confucian ethics Chang-an naming of the royal monasteries