作者:朱君杙 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:
提 要:在中古西方修史机制的问题上,国内学术界存在的一种观点认为,中古西方修史活动受教会控制;另一种观点认为,中古西方修史活动仍为私人史家所为。本文认为,这两种学术观点均与加洛林时代实际修史状况有所出入。在加洛林时代,尽管教士和修士占史家多数,但教会并非修史活动唯一组织者,加洛林王/皇室也曾组织过官方色彩的修史活动并对私人修史活动提供赞助。当时存在的是一种王/皇室、私人、修道院、主教区皆得参与的多元化修史格局。
关键词:多元化 加洛林时代 史书修撰
Title: On the Plurality of the Historiographical Activities in the Carolingian Period
Author:Zhu Junyi, Doctoral Candidate, Center for History of World Civilizations, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin, 130024, China.
Abstract:There are two different academic opinions on the historiographical mechanism of west Europe during the Middle Ages in domestic academic community. One opinion claims that the historiographical activities were controlled by church. However, the other believes that they were private. In fact, these two opinions are slightly different from the historiographical practice in the Carolingian Period. In the Carolingian Period, although the vast majority of the historiographers were clergies or monks, church could not monopolize the historiographical activities.The Carolingian court also organized historiographical activities with official tint and also sponsored strongly private ones. There were several historiographical orbits in the Carolingian period, including royal, private, monasterial and episcopate historiographies. And the whole historiographical enterprise took on a look of plurality
Key words: plurality Carolingian Period historiographical enterprise