
作者:马 锋 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:罗马帝国经历了公元3世纪危机的打击,被动地进行了一系列变革,其中包括军事变革。从戴克里先到查士丁尼时代的军事变革重点解决了近卫军问题、蛮族雇佣军问题、军队重组问题和军事战略调整问题。帝国行政改革中的军民分治政策对这一时期的军事变革产生了重大影响。通过一系列变革,东罗马帝国军队完成了从古典时代以重装步兵为核心的体制向中古时代以骑兵为核心的体制的演变。这种新式军事体制为拜占庭帝国长达千年的统治提供了军事体制基础。

关键词:戴克里先 君士坦丁大帝 查士丁尼 军事变革

Title:The Epoch of Great Change and the Formation of the Military System of the Byzantine Empire: On the Military Revolutions from the Epoch of Diocletian to the Times of Justinian

Author:Ma Feng, Doctoral Candidate, School of History and Culture, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin, 130024, China.

Abstract:Under the shock of the third-century crisis, the Roman Empire passively undertook a series of changes, including military revolution. From the Epoch of Diocletian to the Times of Justinian the military reformation solved the problems in praetorian guards, barbarian mercenaries, the army reorganization and the mainly military strategies. The partition between the army and the administration had a significant impact on the military revolution during this period. Through these reformations, the Imperial Army completed the evolution from the heavy infantry-centered Roman legions of classical age to the cavalry-centered Byzantine army of the Middle Ages. This new system provided military protection for thousand- year-long rule of the Byzantine Empire.

Key words: Diocletian Constantine the Great Justinian Military Revolution

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