
作者:黄修志 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:“小中华”最初是宋人在高丽文宗时期(1046—1083年)赠予高丽的称号,它与宋朝将高丽使馆命名为“小中华馆”这一事件紧密相连。高丽基于慕华思想和抵抗辽金的需要,努力派遣使臣与宋朝结盟,而共同的战略利益和高丽使臣高水平的诗文也使宋朝产生了强烈的共鸣,由此“小中华馆”诞生在宋丽外交中。这一称谓当时更多地带有外交色彩,还没有成为总体性的文化自觉。高丽末期,以李穑为代表的高丽儒臣在朱子学和元明易代的影响下,对“小中华馆”进行了重新追述和诠释,使之超越了宋丽外交的历史语境,赋予其鲜明的现实意义和华夷意识。此后,“小中华”开始升华为高丽的身份认同和文化体认,并上升为儒臣士族的政治理想,这反映了新兴的儒臣势力的崛起。因此,宋代的“小中华馆”是后来朝鲜王朝反复强调的“小中华”意识的思想起点。

关键词:小中华馆 小华集 小中华意识 李穑 朱子学

Title:Xiao ZhonghuaEmbassy” in Koryo Dynasty and the Origin of “Xiao ZhonghuaMind” of Joseon Dynasty/88

Author: Huang Xiuzhi, Doctoral Candidate, Department of history, Fudan University, Shanghai, 200433, China.

Abstract:Xiao zhonghua”(Little China) was the name presented to Koryo dynasty by Chinese in Song dynasty from 1046 AD to 1083 AD, which was related to Song naming Koryo’s embassy as “Xiao zhonghuaembassy”. Because of its aspiration for China and the need of resisting Liao and Juchen dynasty, Koryo tried to dispatch the embassadors to form an alliance with Song, while Song resonated strongly to Koryo due to the common strategic interests and excellent literary works ofKoryo’s embassadors, and consequently “Xiao zhonghuaembassy” was born in the diplomacy between Koryo and Song, but then it didn’t become a total cultural consciousness of Koryo but a diplomatic symbol. In the late of Koryo dynasty, Yi Saek recollected and reinterpreted “Xiao zhonghuaembassy” because of the spread of Zhuzi doctrine and the foundation of Ming dynasty, making it surmount the historical context of diplomacy between Koryo and Song and giving it distinct realistic meaning and Sino-barbarian mind, so “Xiao zhonghua” was subliminged as Koryo’s cultural identity and political ideal, which implied the rise of burgeoning Confucian ministers. For this reason, “Xiao zhonghuaembassy” became ideaistic origin of “Xiao Zhonghuamind” stressed constantly by Joseon Dynasty.

Key words: Xiao ZhonghuaEmbassy Xiaohua ji(Collected Works of Little China) Xiao ZhonghuaMind Yi Saek

Zhuzi Doctrine

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