
作者:张鹤泉 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:北魏前期实行五等爵制度。在五等爵中,王爵为最高等级的爵位。当时国家封授诸王,实行虚封制,即受封诸王并不领有食邑。可是,北魏国家对一些诸王的虚封地,仍可能实行改封。这种做法,是与提高或降低诸王的地位相联系的。对于继承诸王爵位的始藩王虚封地的改封,则是他们地位低于始封王的一种表现。

关键词:北魏前期 诸王 虚封地 改封

Title:A Textual Study of the Re-conferment of the Symbolical Fiefs to the Princes during the Early Northern Wei Dynasty

Author:Zhang Hequan, Professor, Institute for the Study of Ancient Chinese Books, Jilin University, Changchun, Jilin, 130012, China

Abstract: The early Northern Wei Dynasty employed a ranking system of five levels to treat it nobles. In the five levels,wang(王,prince) was on the top level. The fiefs granted to the princes were not for real but merely symbolical. Even so, the court of the Northern Wei still might change the titles of related to the fiefs. This practice meant to promote or debase the position of the involved princes. As for the re-conferment of the inherited princes, it was to indicate that their positions were lower than those who were original princes.

Key words: Early Northern Wei Dynasty princes symbolical fiefs re-conferment of fiefs

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