作者:<span style="font-weight: 400"><font size="3"> 沈 坚 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:
提 要:利古里亚人是一个世居阿尔卑斯山、亚平宁山地区至地中海岸之间的古代族群,素有自己独特的民族历史、文化、语言和风习。在古代地中海世界民族关系博弈的棋局中,利古里亚人与罗马的交往最为重要。从第二次布匿战争时起,罗马开始通过持续的武力征服,逐渐将北意大利和高卢东南部一带的利古里亚人纳入自己的版图。在其后罗马优势文化的浸渍和影响下,利古里亚人如同其他部分蛮族那样,不得不走上了一条最终否弃自身的罗马化之途。
关键词:利古里亚人 迦太基人 希腊人 罗马征服战争 罗马化
Title: On the Contacts between the Ligurians and Rome
Author: Shen Jian, Professor, History Department, East China Normal University, Shanghai, 200241, China
Abstract: Ligurians was an ancient ethnic group which inhabited the regions between Alps, Apennines and the Mediterranean coast. They had unique history, culture, language and customs. In the political chessboard among the ancient Mediterranean peoples, Ligurians had frequent contact with Rome. From the second Punic War, Roman conquest made the Ligurians of the northern Italy and southeastern Gaul gradually fell into the direct rule of Rome. Under the influence of Roman culture, Ligurians were forced to start its Romanization and discarded its traditional culture and identity.
Key words: Ligurians Carthaginians Greeks Roman conquest Romanization