提 要:斯基泰人是上古活跃在黑海北岸草原上的一支游牧民族。依希罗多德所述,该民族有卡里披达伊人、阿拉佐涅斯人、农耕斯基泰人、农民斯基泰人、游牧斯基泰人和王族斯基泰人等六部。参考其他现代研究成果,本文梳理了希罗多德所记相关资料,就斯基泰各部的族称、生产方式和活动地域做初步考察。研究发现,除卡里披达伊人和阿拉佐涅斯人外,其他今天习用的族称在希罗多德笔下只是指称某一人群的固定短语,反映了希罗多德从外部观察所得出的印象;卡里披达伊人、阿拉佐涅斯人及农民斯基泰人的另一称谓——包律斯铁尼铁司,则可视为他称族称,体现了外界人群对其某些特点的关注;而王族斯基泰人则另有自称,即“斯科洛托伊人”。在生产方式上,这六部大都以游牧业为主,有些兼行农耕。至于活动地域,希罗多德记载过简,今天只能述其大略。
关键词:希罗多德 斯基泰人 斯基泰部落
Title:An Analysis of the Scythians under the
Description of Herodotus
Xuefei, Doctoral Candidate, History Department, East China
Normal University, Shanghai, 200241, China
Abstract:The Scythians was
one of the nomadic peoples who roamed in the steppes of the
northern Black Sea in antiquity. According to Herodotus, the
Scythians was made up of 6 tribes. Taken reference of
previous researches, this paper sorts out the related
sources mentioned by Herodotus and analyses the ethnic
names, life styles and living regions of these tribes. It is
found that except the Alazones and Callippidae, the other
so-called tribe names were just fixed phrases of Herodotus.
As true tribe names, Callippidae, Alazones and Borysthenites
which is another name of Scythian farmers, were names called
by other peoples of that times reflecting the impression of
these tribes given to the other peoples. As for the Royal
Scythians, it had its self-granted name, Skoloti. In far as
the lifestyle is concerned, these tribes all basically lived
with nomadism. Meanwhile, some of the tribes also engaged in
agricultural activities. As for the geographical locations
of these tribes, Herodotus provides little information to
help our identification in accurate terms.
Key wards:Herodotus
Scythians Scythian Tribes