提 要:朝鲜王朝的太平馆是专门接待明朝使臣的馆舍。围绕太平馆的接待职事,朝鲜设置迎接都监都厅,下设“六色”及各司负责使臣的生活起居,户曹、兵曹、工曹等衙门分别配合,负责财务、保卫、修缮、供给等项事务。太平馆内主要举办接待明朝使臣的各种宴会并进行贸易洽谈,是朝鲜王朝与明朝经济、文化交流的一个重要机构,具有“崇华事大”的象征意义,对维护和发展明朝与朝鲜的封贡关系发挥了重要作用。
关键词:朝鲜王朝 太平馆 中朝关系
Title: The Taiping Guan of the Chosun Dynasty
Author:Liu Xitao, Ph.D.Candidate, School of History and Culture, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin, 130024, China
Abstract: Taiping Guan (太平馆) of the Chosun dynasty was its guest house to receive the envoys from the Ming dynasty. Focusing on the reception functions of Taiping Guan, the Chosun dynasty set up a series of governmental branches to facilitate its activities. Various reception banquets and trade talks were regularly held in Taiping Guan. Accordingly, it served as an important institute in the history of the economic and cultural exchanges between the Chosun and the Ming dynasties.
Key words:Chosun dynasty Ming dynasty Taiping Guan China-Korea relation