
作者: 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:


林 琳 傅亚庶

提 要:《小尔雅》是中国古代语言学史上继《尔雅》之后的一部重要文献,其以补《尔雅》之未备与不足而著称。该书产生于汉代,后有晋代李轨所作《小尔雅略解》,到隋唐时期,《小尔雅略解》仍在流传。北宋时



关键词:《小尔雅》 李轨 《孔丛子》 宋咸

Title:On the Connection ofXiao Er-yaandKongcong Zi

Author:Lin Lin, Ph.D. Candidate, Faculty of

Literature, Northeast Normal University, Changchun,

Jilin,130024, China; Fu Yashu, Professor, Faculty of

Literature, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin,

130024, China.

Abstract:Second toEr-ya, Xiao Er-yais

well-known in the history of Chinese language because it

contains some complementary entries toEr-ya. After

Its firt appearance in the Han Dynasty, there wereXiao

Er-ya Luejieby Li Gui in the Jin Dynasty which was

still in circulation by the Sui and Tang dynasties. Till the

Northern Song period,Xiao Er-yawas edited intoKongcong Zi Zhuby Song Xian as a chapter of it. Later,Xiao Er-ya Luejiewas out of circulation. In the

Southern Song Dynasty, the version ofXiao Er-yawith

Song Xian’s notes separated fromKongcong Ziand got

to circulate by its own. All present versions ofXiao

Er-yaare actually based onKongcong Zi Zhuby

Song Xian.

Key words:Xiao Er-yaLi GuiKongcong ZiSong Xian

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