作者:周运中 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:
提 要:本文在前人考证《山海经·东山经》地理方位的基础上,修正了其中误考的部分,补释了部分山水。修正后的《东山经》地域和战国时齐国盛期的疆域吻合。本文认为,如同《山海经·山经》其他各部分一样,《东山经》和战国政治形势有关,其原始作者可能是齐国政府,《东山经》4篇的地域划分与选择也和齐国的政治地理有关。
关键词:山海经 东山经 齐国
Title:A New Geographical Interpretation of DongshanSection inShanhai Jing
Author: Zhou Yunzhong, Lecturer, History Department, Eastern China Normal University, Shanghai, 200241, China.
Abstract:This article makes some revisions to previous studies on the Dongshansection inShanhai Jingin terms of geographical allocations and provides some necessary complementary explanations. The geographical region that the Dongshan section covers in the revised version matches the domain of the State Qi in its peak. Further, this article argues that the content of Dongshan section is connected to the political situation and political geography of the State Qi, therefore, it is likely a book produced by the government of the Qi.
Key wards:Shan Hai Jing Dong Shan Jing State Qi