
作者:王云龙 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:中世纪民族认同研究是跨学科整合性研究。创造历史的特定人物是历史文献学研究的焦点,解析记载这类人物的历史文献话语,能够集中地获得特定时代的精神归旨。关于威廉一世的历史文献话语,就反映了英格兰民族认同之萌发的历史状态。诺曼征服后,以威廉一世国王为人格符号、融合诺曼人与盎格鲁——撒克逊人的新的英格兰民族认同萌发,作为征服者的诺曼底人逐渐在地化,认同于英格兰,英格兰的原住民也认同威廉一世为国王,并尊奉其后裔为王系。由此,英格兰由地名逐渐变为新的族名。

关键词:民族认同 诺曼征服 威廉一世

Title: Norman Conquest and Emergence of English Identity: An Interpretation by Dint of Philology………………/37

Author:Wang Yunlong, Professor, Institute of the Middle Ages Studies, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin, 130024, China.

Abstract:In the years surrounding the battle of Hasting of 1066, and the Norman conquest of England, the philological sources subdivided either in England or in Normandy, and therefore maintain an affiliation to one of the two identities. In the contemporary philological sources, William I is considered to be the personal symbol of English identity, and England changed from toponym into ethnonym, English.

Key words:identity Norman conquest William I

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