
作者:王 翘 李 强 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:《农业法》是拜占庭历史上一部重要的法典。它规范了拜占庭农庄中居民的生产生活行为,内容涉及村庄组织、土地占有与使用、农民权益、对违法行为的惩罚措施等方面,反映出拜占庭帝国中期农村经济生活的一般状况,是研究拜占庭农村经济制度的极为宝贵的原始资料。自该法典被发现以来,国外学术界对其研究已有多年,其中阿什布尔纳的希腊文校勘本与英文译本是现今学者们认可的权威文本。本文根据阿什尔布纳的校勘本为底本、并参考其译本对《农业法》进行译注,意在提供更切近希腊原文的中文文本。

关键词:拜占庭 《农业法》 译注

Title: A Chinese Translation of the ByzantineFamer’s Lawwith Commentary

Author:Wang Qiao, Doctoral Candidate, School of History and Culture, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin, 130024, China; Li Qiang, Doctoral Candidate, Department of History and Archaeology, University of Ioannina, Ioannina, P.O.Box 1186, Greece.

Abstract:Famer’s Lawis an important code in the history of the Byzantine Empire, which regularizes the behaviors in production and life of Byzantine villages. Its provisions covers the organization of villages, the occupation and utilization of the land, the rights and interests of the peasants, the punishment for illegal activities, etc…sketching the economic life of the Byzantine countryside in the Empire’s mid-period, it has been regarded as an extremely precious material to study the rural economic system of Byzantium. The abroad research on Famer’s Law has been for years since it was found, W. Ashburner’s Greek critical text with its English version are the most authoritative which received considerable recognition by scholars. This study, on the basis of W. Ashburner’s works, provides the Chinese translation and commentary .

Key words:Byzantium Famer’s Law Translation and Commentary

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