
作者:武少民 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:章太炎是20世纪国内对清代学术史进行系统总结的第一人。在论清初学术时,章太炎彰显民族主义旗帜,以是否具有民族气节为准绳,赞扬王夫之而贬低黄宗羲。对清中期学术,章太炎毁誉参半,反映了他实事求是的治学精神。他还将乾嘉学者划分为吴、皖两派,并旗帜鲜明地扬皖而抑吴。对晚清学术,章太炎贬低魏源、龚自珍等今文经学家,而赞扬俞樾、黄以周、孙诒让等古文经学家,突显了他关于学术与政治的立场。尽管章太炎研究清代学术史也有不足,但他在研究中所持的开拓精神、关注现实及民族命运的情怀,都值得珍视。

关键词:章太炎 清代 学术史 民族气节

Title:Zhang Taiyan’s Research of the Academic History of the Qing Dynasty

Author: Wu Shaomin, Associate Professor, School of History and Culture, Northeast Normal University, Changchun , Jilin, 130024, China

Abstract:Zhang Taiyan(章太炎)was the fist person in China during the 20thcentury who had contributed systematical perspectives on the academic history of the Qing Dynasty. In dealing with the early Qing scholars, Zhang Taiyan evidently held a viewpoint of nationalism, praised Wang Fuzhi while depreciated Huang Zongxi. In dealing with the scholarship of the mid-Qing period, Zhang Taiyan’s comments reflected his spirit of seeking truth from facts. He divided the Qianjia School into two groups, and openly praised the scholars from Wu (吴,Suzhou) while depreciated the scholars from Wan (皖,Anhui). In dealing with the late Qing scholarship, Zhang Taiyan criticized the new text scholars, including Wei Yuan(魏源)and Gong Zizhen(龚自珍),while he praised the ancient text scholars such as Yu Yue, Huang Yizhou, and Sun Yirang. Taken all the shortages of Zhang Taiyan’s research of the Qing scholarship, his pioneering spirit and strong feelings of the nation’s fortune are worthy of recognition.

Key wards:Zhang Taiyan Qing Dynasty Academic History National consciousness

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