《尚书·高宗肜日》的史料源流考察 ——兼论商人的灾异观

作者: 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:




提 要:古今学者围绕《高宗肜日》篇争论的问题颇多,殷墟甲骨文的相关记载,证明了《高宗肜日》所载之事在商代有其史料来源。此文在解读上博简《竞建内之》与《高宗肜日》相关的内容之后,比较两者异同,认为上博简《竞建内之》是《高宗肜日》文本内容的流变。本文由此又探讨了《高宗肜日》及甲骨文材料中反映的商人灾异观及对灾异的救助方法。

关键词:《高宗肜日》 甲骨文 《竞建内之》 史源学 灾异观

Title:A Study

of the Material Origin and Impacts of Chapter “Gaozong

rongri” inShangshu: Also on the View of Calamity in

the Shang Dynasty


Lijun, Lecturer, School of History and Culture, Northeast

Normal University, Changchun, Jilin,130024, China


have been many arguments about Chapter “Gaozong rongri”(高宗肜日)

inShangshu(《尚书》,The Book of History). Materials discovered in the Oracles

verified the credibility of the content of this chapter. By

analyzing and comparing the bamboo scripts “Jingjian neizhi”(竞建内之)

collected in Shanghai Museum with “Gaozong rongri”, this

article argues that the historical data in “Jingjian neizhi”

can be traced back to “Gaozong rongri”. Further, based upon

the information in “Gaozong rongri” and that in the oracles,

this article analyzed the view points of the Shang People.

Key words:“Gaozong

rongri” the Oracles “Jingjian neizhi” Source of History

views of calamity

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