从“数术”到“学术” ——上古精神文明演进的一个线索

作者:晁福林 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:上古精神文明的演进历程并非直线上升式的,而是一个曲折往复的缓慢渐进的过程。这一行程中,经济和社会结构的发展固然是重要的基础,但是在今日看来,当时充满谬误与迷信的数术的发展也是一个推进的力量。由数术到学术的演进,反映了上古精神文明演进的复杂性。


Title: From Necromancy to Academic Learning: A Path of the Evolution of Ancient Spiritual Civilization

Author:Chao Fulin, Professor, College of Sociology, Suzhou University, Suzhou, 215123, China

Abstract:The evolution of ancient spiritual civilization did not go through a straight line, but rather went through a gradual and flexuous process. Based upon the economic development and transformation of social structure, the development of Necromancy, although full of fallacies and superstitious elements in today’s point of view, played an important role in such a process. The development from necromancy to academic learning reflects the complexity of the evolution of ancient spiritual civilizations.

Key words:Necromancy academic learning spiritual civilization

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