
作者: 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:




关键词:《商君书》 商鞅学派 户籍制度

Title:The Idea of Household

Registration of Shang Yang(商鞅) School and the Household

Administration System of the Qin


Fenglian, Ph.D. Candidate, Faculty of History and Culture,

Northeast Normal University, Jilin, 130024, China

Abstract:Shang Yang School’s idea of

household administration is mainly expressed by the book

entitledShangjun Shu(《商君书》). The household registration

system of China, as a matter of fact, was formally and in

large scale established by the State Qin, which eventually

created the first imperial dynasty under the same name.

Aiming at revealing the impacts of Shang Yang School to the

Qin policies, this article carries out a comparative study

of the idea of state household registration suggested by

Shang Yang School with the practices of the Qin rulers.

Issues that are delt with include: household management,

eligibility of registration, classification of households,

and the regulations concerning registration changes.

Key words:Shangjun ShuShang Yang School Household Registration


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