关键词:战国竹书 輚辇 白徒
Title:Interpretation of
the TermZhanlian(连) Appeared in the State Chu(楚) Bamboo
Slips Collected by
Shanghai MuseumAuthor:Wang Lianlong, Associate Professor, Institute
of Ancient Documents and Books, Jilin University, Changchun,
Jilin, 130012, China
Abstract:This paper provides a newer
textual study and explanation of the wordZhanlianin the
State Chu Bamboo Slips preserved in Shanghai Museum(VolsⅣ).
It holds that this word should be read asZhannian(輚辇),
which refers to a type of military transportation equipment.
The persons who were supposed to use that type of equipment
called Baitu(白徒) were enslaved criminals.
Key words:bamboo