提 要:古代埃及的雕刻艺术,经历了古王国、中王国和新王国等发展阶段,3000年间始终保持着它的主要特征。自古王国时期确定其基本法则后,雕刻艺术经过中王国时期的发展,到新王国时期达到了前所未有的繁荣,从新王国末期开始,逐渐趋于衰落。希腊、罗马统治埃及时代,面临外来文化的冲击和渗入,具有悠久传统的埃及艺术并未因此而泯灭,古老的埃及艺术仍以其独特的民族风格影响着希腊、罗马艺术的发展。
雕刻艺术 特征
Title:The Carving Art of
Ancient Egypt
Author:Linghu Ruoming, Professor,
School of Humanities, Jilin University, Changchun, Jilin,
130012, China.
Abstract:The carving art of ancient Egypt
underwent the development stages of the Old Kingdom, the
Middle Kingdom and the New Kingdom, and it had been keeping
its main features during the 3000 years. Having set up its
basic principle in the Old Kingdom, the carving art
underwent great development during the Middle Kingdom and
won unprecedented prosperity in the New Kingdom. But it had
declined gradually since the end of the New Kingdom. The old
Egyptian art did not vanish in face of foreign cultures’
impact and infiltration under the reigns of Greeks and
Romans, on the contrary, it went on showing great influence
on the development of Greek and Roman arts by its unique
national style.
Key wards:ancient Egypt carving art features