克利奥的萨迦 ——女性主义史学论域的维京妇女 王云龙

作者: 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:





关键词:维京妇女 “双重他者” 萨迦

Title:Saga of Clio:On

Viking Women from the Perspective of Feminist History

Author:Wang Yunlong, Professor, Institute of the

Middle Ages Studies, Northeast Normal University, Changchun,

Jilin, 130024, China.

Abstract:Feminist history has taken on the

posture of great development since 1980s. Some scholars have

begun to implant feminist theory into textual interpretation

and contextual reconstruction, to emphasize the tensility of

inter-textuality and to enrich the present cultural

understanding through systematic interpretation of

historical texts. The research on Viking women from feminist

perspective is a good model of viewing feminist theory and

methodology from multidimensional perspectives. This study,

by analyzing the image of “double otherness” Viking Women

displayed in alien texts, and through the inspection of

feminist history to Saga’s narrative perspective and Viking

women’s remodeling masculine discourse, illustrates the

historical visual threshold and narrative logic feminist

history displayed via sources concerning Viking women.

Key words:Viking

women double otherness Saga

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