
作者: 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:






Title: The Feature and Value of Wei Zhao’s

Annotation toGuoyu

Author:Zhang Jusan, Associate

Profess, Faculty of Literature, Heilongjiang University;

Ph.D. Candidate, Faculty of History and Culture, Northeast

Normal University, Jilin, 400715, China


is one of the important date in the study of the pre-Qin

history of China. Wei Zhao(韦昭)’s

annotation to Guoyu is therefore also important to

understand the historical facts and ideas ofGuoyu.

Its stylistic perfection, extensive quotations, cross

references, and compact notes together made it close to

Confucian classics and historical works, which further

improved its importance in scholarly studies. Wei Zhao’s

annotation toGuoyu, based upon a continuity of the

past scholarship, opened up a new tradition of commentary,

which has allowed it to keep its popularity till the present


Key words:GuoyuWei Zhao’s Annotation toGuoyufeature value

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