
作者:<font size="3">陈恩林</font></span> 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:《春秋》名称问题是春秋学史上的一大公案,久讼未决。当今有代表性的学者周予同之《群经概论》、蒋伯潜之《十三经概论》、杨伯峻之《春秋左传注》皆采晋杜预“错举四时”说,在学术界影响很大,几成定论。实则杜说不确。本文从天文学与民族学视角出发,并利用古代文献资料与历代学者研究成果,证明古代先有春秋二季,后出现春夏秋冬四时。年含春秋二季,春秋即代表一年。此是史书称《春秋》之源,与“错举四时”说无关。

关键词:春秋左传注 春秋名称 年 春夏秋冬 辨正

Title: The Meaning ofChun-qiu(春秋) inChun-qiu Zuozhuan Zhu(《春秋左传注》)

Author:Chen Enlin, Professor, History Department, Jilin University, Changchun, Jilin, 130024, China

Abstract:The meaning of the termChun-qiu(Spring and Autumn) has long been a debated questioning the concerned academic circle. Well-known scholars, such as Zhou Yutong(周予同), Jiang Boqian(蒋伯潜), and Yang Bojun(杨伯峻), accepted Jin Dynasty(晋)scholar Du Yu(杜预)’s definition and explainChun-qiuas a saying of the four seasons. This explanation has been influential and commonly agreed. Nevertheless, Du Yu’s definition is not right. This paper, from an perspective concerning astronomy and ethnology and by an careful examination of ancient documents and the existing opinions, argues that in ancient times, the concept of spring and autumn came to being first to represent a year. The concept of four seasons making a year came to being later. This is why the historical books were usually called Spring and Autumn, which had nothing to do with mentioning two seasons to represent the four seasons.

Key words:The Annotation of Chuan-qiu Zuozhuan the meaning of Spring and Autumn Year four seasons

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