
作者:韩东育</font> 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:福泽谕吉既是一位近代启蒙思想家,也是一个征韩侵华论的积极倡导者。这种“矛盾”性,取决于他要着力完成的两大任务:一是建立主权独立的近代化国家;二是以武威“大东亚秩序”来取代礼教“华夷秩序”。前者诱因于西方“条约体系”下的“民族国家”理念;后者催生于颠覆东亚“朝贡体系”进而取中国而代之的百年夙愿。两大任务的显隐交替和互为前提,解释了《文明论之概略》与《脱亚论》之间的表层矛盾和内在关联。

关键词:福泽谕吉 华夷秩序 文明论 脱亚论

Title: Fukuzawa Yukichi’s Abandoning Asia Theory and Practice

Author:Han Dongyu, Professor, Faculty for Asian Civilization Studies, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, 130024, China

Abstract:Fukuzawa Yukichi is not only an enlightened thinker, but also an active advocator of conquering Korea and invading China. This kind of paradoxical character was based upon his sense of two massive missions. The first is to found an independent and modernized sovereign state of Japan. The other is to use the powerful “Great East Asian Sphere Order” to replace the traditional “Sino-centric sphere of order”. The former idea was based on the nation-state theory reflected mainly in the Western dominated “treaty system”. The second came out from the long-lived expectation of crumbling the Asian “tributary system” and taking over the leading position of China in Asia. These two missions in turn played important roles in Fukuzawa Yukichi’s thinking, which explains the contradictions and internal connections of Fukuzawa’s theory of civilization and his idea of abandoning Asia.

Key words: Fukuzawa Yukichi Sino-centric sphere of order theory of civilization idea of abandoning Asia

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