提 要:对日本近代启蒙思想家福泽谕吉,学界一直有文明启蒙和侵略启蒙两种评价。这一状况需要从对福泽思想全盘分析加以统合。在福泽思想的深处,由于接受西方国家条约体系,所以形成了其作为后进国启蒙主义特征的思想体系。为了完成国家“独立”,即日本国家的最高利益,在主张全盘接受西洋文明的同时,蔑视亚洲文化传统并强调模仿西欧的亚洲政策,是其自然的归宿。
关键词:福泽谕吉 文明启蒙 侵略启蒙 日本主义
Characteristics of Fukuzawa Yukichi’s Japanism
Author:Zhou Songlun, Professor, Faculty for
Asian Civilization Studies, Northeast Normal University,
Changchun, 130024, China
scholarly comments about modern Japanese thinker Fukuzawa
Yukichi’s thought of enlightenment involve civilized two
different opinions, namely, civilized enlightenment and
aggressive enlightenment. This phenomenon needs to be
explained through a unified perspective of the Fukuzawa
thesis. Since the Western nation state treaty system had
found its roots in the depth of Fukuzawa’s mentality,
Fukuzawa’s thinking about enlightenment was penetrated by a
strong sense of a less advanced nation’s catching up
expectation. Therefore, to achieve the independence and the
largest benefit of the Japanese nation state, Fukuzawa
conveniently promoted the ideas of invading other Asian
countries and pleasing the Western powers.
Key words:Fukuzawa
Yukichi civilized enlightenment aggressive
enlightenment Japanism