
作者:<font size="3"> <span lang="EN-US"> </span>陈楠</font> 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:蒙古民族在13世纪崛起于蒙古北方草原。在其向西部军事扩张的过程中,蒙古民族接触了源自青藏高原的藏传佛教文化。从13世纪中叶起,广大藏区纳入中原王朝版图,成为元朝的一个行政区域;而在文化上,蒙古人则完全接受了藏传佛教文化,开此后700余年以藏传佛教为核心的藏文化东来的先河。本文着重从藏传佛教与西夏、蒙藏关系的正式确立,元代藏传佛教僧人在大都以及元代大都的藏传佛教寺院等几个方面,对蒙藏关系确立及藏传佛教传入蒙古地区的相关史事加以考述研究。

关键词:藏传佛教 蒙古 八思巴 大都

Title: A Study of the Formal Connection of Mongolia with Tibet and the Introduction of Tibetan Buddhism into the Mongolian Area during the Yuan and Ming Periods

Author:Chen Nan, Professor, Department of History, the Central University for Nationalities, Beijing, 100081, China

Abstract:The Mongolians’ rise in the vast grassland in the Northern part of China during the 13th century was followed by their expansion to the west. It was in that process, the Mongolians were introduced to Tibetan Buddhism. From the mid-13th century, Tibetan area became an administrative region under the central government of the Yuan Dynasty. In terms of culture, on the other hand, the Mongolians totally accepted the Tibetan Buddhist culture. This started a 700 years long trend of Tibetan Buddhist spreading to the Eastern part of China. This article is aimed at a relative systematical reconstruction of this process, while the relationship of the Tibetan Buddhism with the Western Xia, the formation of the Mongolian relationship with the Tibetans, and the Tibetan Monks’ appearance in the capital of the Yuan Dynasty and the Tibetan Buddhist temples in that capital are to be dealt with in more details.

Key words: Tibetan Buddhism the Mongolians Basiba The capital of the Yuan Dynasty

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