作者:翟景运 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:
提 要:晚唐时代,军阀割据,兵连祸结,藩镇势力空前扩张,表、状、笺、启等幕府公文在各种复杂关系中,周旋权变的功能急剧提高,骈文创作高度繁荣,在数量、流传方式、命名方式、作者身份等方面显示出一系列鲜明的时代特征,并且在得到普遍重视、学习和研究的基础上形成晚唐时代特有的章奏之学。这些变化对当时的骈文表达手法产生了深刻的影响,主要的表现就是程式化的加深,由此进一步强化了骈文通过组合、堆砌典故来表达意义的特征。
关键词:晚唐政局 幕府公文 骈文 藩镇
Title: The Late Tang Political Situation and the Styles of the Regional Governors' Official Documents
Author: Zhai Jingyun, The Department Chinese Literature, Qingdao University, Qingdao ,266071, China.
Abstract:In the late Tang period, provincial governors commonly established their regional regimes by force of arms. Wars broke out frequently , which brought about disasters. Along with the power growth of the regional governors, the function of the official documents in dealing with all issues in categories such asbiao(表), zhuang(状), jian(笺), qi(启)etc., was improved rapidly. The refore, the style of parallel prose boomed, displaying a series of fresh characteristics. This formed a unique research subject of the late Tang period. The writing ofZhang(章) andZou(奏), statements and reports to the emperors, was widely valued and researched. This change in turn influenced the way of composition of the parallel prose itself. Style was extremely emphasized and its function of expression by piling up allusions was enhanced. These developments were direct connected to the late Tang political situation and the prevalence ofbiao(表), zhuang(状), jian(笺), qi(启)etc.
Key words:the late Tang political situation; Reginal Governers' official documents; parallel prose; Regional Governors