
作者:林嵩 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:南宋时期的《资治通鉴》注家注本可分为三类:以王应麟《通鉴地理通释》为代表的《通鉴》专题注释,以《陆状元通鉴》等为代表的《通鉴》节本注释,和以史 炤 《资治通鉴释文》为代表的《通鉴》全书注释。这些早期注家的研究成果构成了“胡注”的直接渊源。

关键词:《资治通鉴》 早期“通鉴”注本 “通鉴”学家

Title: The Annotations ofZi-zhi Tong-jianand its Early Studies

Author: Lin Song, Chinese Language & Literature Department, Beijing University, Beijing, 100871, China.

Abstract:The annotations and interpreters ofZi-zhi Tong-jian(《资治通鉴》) in the Southern Song period can be classified into three categories: the monographic annotations represented by Wang Yinglin(王应麟) and hisTong-jian Di-li Tong-shi(《通鉴地理通释》), the abridged edition of explanations exemplified byLu Zhuangyuan Tong-jian(《陆状元通鉴》), and a full annotationZi-zhi Tong-jian Shi-wen(《资治通鉴释文》) by Shi Zhao(史炤). These annotations were the immediate source of Hu Sanxing(胡三省)'sZi-zhi Tong-jian Yin-zhu《资治通鉴音注》).

Key words:Zi-zhi Tongjian; Early Annotations ofTong-jian;Song experts ofTong-jian

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