作者:[英]玛格丽特·马利特 著 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:
提 要:本文立足于20世纪的英国、特别是60-90年代拜占庭研究事业的起步、发展、繁荣和学科整合的经验,分析了20世纪英国拜占庭研究的优势、弱势、经验和未来。文中特别强调了师生传承体系在英国拜占庭研究学术群体形成中的重要地位,并说明了社会资助、跨学科合作、女性参与及拜占庭研究的开放性对促进英国拜占庭学术繁荣的意义。
关键词:12世纪 君士坦丁堡 20世纪 英国 拜占庭学术
Title:Byzantine Studies in Great Britain during the 20th-century
Author:M. E. Mullett, Professor, Queen's University, Belfast, UK
Abstract:Based upon her lectures in Northeast Normal University, the author of this paper described the beginning, development and possibility of Byzantine studies in British, including Scotland and North Ireland during the passing century, especially during the 1960s-90s. The scholarly connections, the social patterns, the characteristics, the strength and weakness, and the possibilities of the British circle of Byzantine studies all received detailed analysis.
Key words: twentieth-century Constantinople Britain Byzantine scholarship