作者:张绪山 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:
提 要 :“桃花石”一名最早见于拜占庭历史家西摩卡塔的著作。从语源上,“桃花石”是“大汉”的音转,是匈奴和北方草原民族对汉帝国的称呼。西突厥在中亚兴起后与拜占庭帝国发生交往,将此名传输给后者。“桃花石”西传中亚、西亚过程中被各族政权所采用,既指中原王朝,也以自身承受之,此间意义逐渐有所变化。
关键词:西摩卡塔 “桃花石” 大汉
Title: The Origin of the TermΤαυγάστ
Author:Zhang Xushan, Professor, History Department, Qinghua University, Bei jing, 100084, China
Abstract:The term ofΤαυγάστwas first found inHistoryby Theophylactus Simocatta, a Byzantine historian. Phonetically, it was derived from Ta-han, i.e. the Great Han, an appellation for the two Han Dynasties by the Huns and other nomadic nations. With the rise of the Turks in Central Asia and its frequent diplomatic exchanges with the Byzantine Empire in the last half of the 6th century, this term was acquainted with and written down by the Byzantine historian. This term, commonly used as a name, was accepted by various ethnic groups during their westward spread to Central Asia and Western Asia, referring to China, and to those ethnic groups themselves in many cases.
Key Words:Ταυγάστ Theophylactus Simocatta the Great Han