
作者:<strong style="font-weight: 400">——读杨军、王秋彬著《中国与朝鲜半岛关系史论》</strong> 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:杨军与王秋彬的《中国与朝鲜半岛关系史论》一书,是国内学界有关中朝关系史的一部具有鲜明特色的新作。该书充分发挥两位著者的学术专长,实现了多学科科际综合考察,从国际关系体系演变角度出发将中朝关系划分为3个时期,并且通过广泛征引先行研究与广泛借鉴相关学科的理论与方法,提出了一些新的观点与见解。书中亦有文献参照范围不够充分、个别论断有失妥当,以及其他细节方面的一些失误,然而瑕不掩玉,仍为一部佳作。

关键词:中朝关系史 《中国与朝鲜半岛关系史论》 多学科科际综合研究 学术批评

Title: A Critical Review ofOn the History of China-Korean Peninsula Relationship

Author:Quan Hexiu, Professor, Faculty of History and Culture, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, 130024, China

Abstract:On the History of China-Korean Peninsula Relationshipby Yang-jun and Wang Qiu-bin is one of the major academic works dealing with the history of China-Korean relationship. With an interdisciplinary approach, the writers divide the history of China-Korean relationship into 3 periods. Based on the previous studies in the same area, this book provides some newer and meaningful opinions. The resources of this book, including material quotations and references are sufficient, while the interdisciplinary discussions are effective. There are however, still some pitfalls in the book, such as a few inadequate bibliographical references, several improper judgments, and some specific mistakes, which are expected to be improved and corrected in the further.

Key words:China-Korea Relation On the History of China-Korean Peninsula Relationship Interdisciplinary Approach Academic Criticism

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