作者:张善文 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:
Title: Sun Yat-sen's Concepts of Traditional Chinese Learning
Author:Zhang Shanwen, Professor, Department of Literature, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou, China, 350108
Abstract:This article first of all generally discusses the rise and development of the traditional Chinese learning(国学)before and after the 1911 Revolution, which involves the friendship between Zhang Taiyan and Sun Yat-sen and their mutual complementary roles in the promotion of traditional Chinese learning. Then, the article appraises the idea about traditional Chinese learning of Sun Yat-sen in the context of his entire thought as a whole. It argues that there are three aspects in Sun Yat-sen's idea about traditional Chinese learning which are worth of particular study, namely, root to the Chinese culture, humanistic essence, and inspiration nature.
Key Words:Sun Yet-sun Traditional Chinese Learning Chinese culture humanisticessence