
作者:王晋新 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

Title: Henry Pirenne and French Annals School

Author:Wang Jinxin, Professor, Centre of World Civilization Studies, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, China, 130024

Abstract :Subrogation of schools in leading position is an important symbol of the scholarly development in the field of history. The school tradition inheritance and transmission, on the other hand, is an extremely important aspect to exam the developments in academic history. French Annals School has been a dominating school in the field of history for nearly half a century, therefore, its background of formation needs to be studied under a long term perspective. Henry Pirenne, one of the best historians in the French-speaking world, had close and delicate connections with the leading scholars of the Annals school. This article tries to exam the relationship between Henry Pirenne and these scholars aiming at enrich our overall understanding of the Annals school, as well as the influence and position of Henry Pirenne in the development of modern learning of history.

Key Words:Henry Pirenne Annals school Marc Bloch Braudel academictradition

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