作者:<font size="3">柏 桦 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:
提 要:专制主义中央集权制度,围绕着君主或权威这根主轴运动,一切制度建立和修订,总是以在位君主和权威的统治利益和运用方便为取舍标准,尽量体现和扩大君主与权威的权势。这种高度集权于上的制度,显然不能应付复杂而不断变化的社会。尤其是,当社会发生变乱时,更显得力不从心。因此,在特殊情况下授予一些地方官吏及军事将领一定范围的专断乃至专杀的权力,就显得十分必要。“赐尚方剑”制度是明王朝在迫不得已的情况下采取的临时措置,被赐予尚方剑,意味着拥有者具有专杀、专断及便宜行事的权力。虽然君主不愿意将这种权力授出,但迫于形势需要,又不得不放权,是一种无奈之举。该制度既反映出君主心理的矛盾,又关系到实行时复杂的政局,是颇有特色的制度。
关键词:赐尚方剑 明朝 授剑礼 政治权威
Title: A Study of the Imperial Practice of Awarding the Supreme Sword in the Ming Dynasty
Author:Bai Hua, Professor, Law School, Nankai University, Tianjin, China, 300071
Abstract:Autocracy always operates with the authority of the monarch as principal axis. All establishments and amendments of any system are always based on the best interest of the imperial authority and position. This highly centralized system, apparently, unable to cope with the complex and ever-changing social situation. Especially, when social upheaval occurs, this system usually becomes more inadequate. Thus, in some special circumstances, to some extent, giving local officials or military commanders more authority of action, including some arbitrary powers such as carrying out death punishment, becomes necessary. The practice of awarding the Supreme Sword(尚方剑) in the Ming Dynasty is such a measure in dealing with compelling circumstances. The receivers of the Supreme Sword possess the powers of self decision, free action, and killing without superior permission. Although the emperors do not want to grant these powers to the officials or generals, in emergency, they have to do it. Examination of this unique practice may reveal the contradictory psychology of the emperors. On the other hand, it is a valid path to look deeply into the complex political situation of the time when this practice was taken.
Key Words:Supreme Sword Ming Dynasty ritual political authority