作者:李德山 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:
提 要:渤海国作为我国唐代的一个地方少数民族政权和属国,在立国200多年间与唐朝一直保持着密切的政治、经济、文化联系,对唐代东北地区的开发起到了不可替代的作用。同时,渤海国与当时的邻国新罗和日本也有着十分密切的接触和交往,为将盛唐文化传播到朝鲜半岛和日本列岛,起到了重要的桥梁作用。本文选取渤海国早期历史中比较重要的王族渊源、营州反叛与震国建立的关系、渤海王国诸称谓之寓意源流3个问题,在前人研究基础上做出进一步的考释和探讨。
关键词:渤海 契丹 唐朝 震国
Title: A Textual Research and Analysis of Some Aspects about the Origin of Bohai
Author:Li Deshan, Professor, Institute of Ancient Documents, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, China, 130024
Abstract:Bohai was a local vassal state established by an ethnic minority in Tang China. During the over 200 year of its existence, Bohai maintained close political, economic, and cultural ties with the Tang Dynasty. It therefore played an irreplaceable role in the development of the Tang in the Northeast area of China. At the same time, Bohai kept close contacts with the then neighbors Silla and Japan. It thus functioned as a bridge of the Tang Dynasty linking to Korean Peninsula and the Japanese archipelago. Based upon previous studies, this article focusing on several key issues about the origin of Bohai State, including the origin of the royal family, the connection of Yingzhou(营州) rebellion with the establishment of the State Zhen(震国), and the different names that had been used to identify Bohai, to implement a closer investigation.
Key Words:Bohai Khitan Tang Dynasty State Zhen