提 要:克努霍特普二世自传体铭文形成于古代埃及第十二王朝时期,被刻写在位于贝尼·哈桑的克努霍特普二世的坟墓墙壁之上,是我们研究古代埃及第十二王朝时期地方贵族势力和中央政府之间关系的重要文献资料之一。本中文译文根据德·布克的象形文字拓本译出,并对内容作了必要的注释。
关键词:古代埃及 克努霍特普二世 铭文 译注
Autobiography of Khnumhotep II: Translation and Commentary
Author:Guo Dantong, Professor, Institute for the
History of Ancient Civilizations, Northeast Normal
University, Changchun, Jilin, 130024, China
autobiography of Khnumhotep II, written in Dynasty 12 of
ancient Egypt, was carved on the wall of his tomb located in
Beni Hasan. It is one of the most important resources for
the study of the relationship between the local powers and
the central government of that dynasty. Although there has
been an English translation of this autobiography produced
by Breasted at the beginning of the twentieth century, a
newer translation based upon the original Egyptian text of
this document is necessary. This contribution includes
translation of the text and necessary commentaries.
Key words:Ancient
Egypt Khnumhotep II Inscription Translation and